Tears, And Lots Of Em'
Aside from family there is one person that I love very deeply, and care about more than anyone else in the whole world. The only person that I know will be there for me when I'm in need. One stupid word out of my mouth, and that person would no longer like to talk to me, ever.
This week has been far from good. I have had one of the worst weeks at work that I've had in a long time, and I really dislike going there anyway. I have been sick all day, very sick, and it seems like there is no end in sight. I just realized as I walked past my front door that I forgot to lock it when I came back 4 and a half hours ago. This must tell you how well I am feeling, and I'm irritable.
One word. When I got upset. One word. The consequences are such that I never would have imagined. I have been depressed before, it's been a lifelong battle. I've never felt like this though. I've never felt dead, even though I'm still alive.
I pray for forgiveness, first and foremost from Allah. I then pray that this person forgives me, because honestly, I don't know what I will do otherwise.
I'm really sad to hear this :( Insha'allah it will work out once the person calms down. And you are a strong person and will be able to get through this, never doubt in yourself.
You are in my duaas sis
InshaAllah I know I will eventually work through my own feelings. Unfortunately this person never says things like this even in anger. I know what was said was meant. Allah be with that person.
Thank you for your comment and your dua sis.
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