Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Friday, April 25, 2008

So, I Made It

I made it through the last 19 days straight of working. I finally get a day off, a day to myself... well not really to myself and I'm becoming less enthused by the second. My mom and step-dad can be difficult sometimes. My little bro and I are supposed to be doing the Heart Walk tomorrow. Bro will be spending the night here.

I called last night to ask them what time they would be dropping him off. A valid question, right? I get an, "We're not sure, it could be anytime". When they feel like it, in other words. I ask if they can give me any sort of estimate whatsoever. I finally get a, "Somewhere around 5". Well folks, it's 5:30 now, it takes them about an hour to get here. They haven't even left the house! The world revolves around them and I am apparently on their time schedule.

Complaint #2.... I just had little bro here about a month ago to go to the b-ball game. They forgot to pack a toothbrush. I usually have a small stock of toothbrushes (I'm a freak about my toothbrushes). I had an extra, I gave it to him.... no big deal. My mom just called me and asked if I had a toothbrush I could give the kid. What? I told her I'm not a toothbrush supplier. Recall, they are still at home and able to grab his toothbrush.

The next part is not really a complaint. My mom also told me that she doesn't know if little bro should even walk tomorrow. He has a calcium deposit on his foot, and it's been really painful the last couple of days. He's been to the dr. for this before. His only options are to deal with it or have surgery to get it removed. He's been in so much pain that he keeps telling my mom he wants surgery, she's freaking out. Please make dua for my 14-year-old sweet boy. I hate that he's in so much pain and that he even has to make a choice like that. May Allah make it easy for him.


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