Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thank Allah it's MY Friday!

Am I ever relieved that I don't have to go back to work tomorrow! It is my weekend! That place is just too evil for me this week. I got spazzed at by a co-worker today. Can't they just leave me alone? It was one of the two mean ladies that share the same name. I shall refer to them as Evil 1 and Evil 2 from now on. Evil 1 was on the verge of screaming at me today. She was telling me that I have problems, that I'm moody, and I need to be on anti-depressants. I HAD A BAD WEEK!!!!!!!! I am happy at work most of the time (well maybe not happy, but I don't show if I am having a bad day). I prefer to leave my problems at home and show a good attitude at work.

I am offended that she told me I needed to be on anti-depressants. Who the hell is she? Not a doctor that's for certain! Has she seen herself when she's angry and in a bad mood? Apparently not. She looks pretty psycho herself. She uses the F-bomb, and can say some pretty nasty things. I will have to talk to her about this issue and that's what really sucks. I hate confrontations, especially with crabby old women.


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