Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

You Know You're Old When...

your 12 year old brother stays with you, eats Cap'n Crunch Berries cereal, and you're not really interested in it.

You know you're old when there was something else the kid did to make you feel old, but when you get down to blogging it, you can't remember what the heck it was!

Oh I remember now!

Whew! We went to bed late last night, he fell asleep first. I fell asleep about an hour later. My body automatically woke me up at it's set time this morning. The kid was still asleep. I always used to wonder how my grandma could wake up at 5:30am without an alarm. Now I'm old enough to learn on my own. I can't sleep for endless hours like I did in my teen years; I can't waste half the day away!

Man, that kid made me feel old!

*I forgot to mention the kid is taller than me now! By about a half inch! My 12 year old brother is taller than me. He grew at least 3 inches in the last month! How does that happen?


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