Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 7: The Balancing Act

Alhamdulilah, I am keeping up on my reading (it feels good). Alhamdulilah, I can pray, which means I will be going to the masjid this weekend to pray taraweeh (finally!). I have been cooking delicious and mostly healthy meals; a meat, a vegetable, and a starch. Sometimes a hot veggie and a salad, but I'm out of salad until I can go to the grocery store again. I am balancing a lot of things right now, in a way I've never been able to before, Alhamdulilah. I am happy and content, Alhamdulilah.

I feel strong this Ramadan, I feel like I am closer to Allah than I have been in a long time. I feel like I know where I need to go. I feel, well, I feel balanced.


At 9/22/07, 11:19 PM , Blogger UmmAbdurRahman said...

it was nice to see you on friday even if only for a few seconds.


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