Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Nalgene Bottle

For those of you who know me, you know I drink a lot of water. You know that, inevitably, where I go, my water bottle will come with me. For those of you that know me, I'm certain you recognize my purplish colored Nalgene bottle.

For the reason that I drink from it all the time, I wasn't about to let my ex-husband have it. When we married he decided he liked the idea of having a water bottle. So, while at the store one day, we got him his own. If any of you know much about my ex you will know his irresponsible nature. The man loses everything. He loses important things, and not so important things, but loses stuff all the time. He inevitably lost his water bottle.

One day on his way out the door he asked me to get him some water. He asked for the water to be in MY water bottle. I said I would get him a container with water, but not my water bottle. First of all, he had a nice water bottle, he lost it. Second, I didn't need him to lose mine or leave it somewhere; I use it all the time. So I got him a different type of water bottle and filled it up. It wasn't as big as my water bottle, but I figured it would be okay.

He took the container from me and promptly chucked it at my head. Then, he walked out the door, and went wherever it was he needed to go.

For the next two weeks I was yelled at for not giving him water. "My own wife won't even give me water. It is one of the basic things for life and my own wife wouldn't give me any." My reply, "I gave you water, it just wasn't in the container you wanted." He decided that he couldn't live with someone who wouldn't give him water. That's when he moved out and we divorced.

Thank you Nalgene bottle, you saved my life!


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