Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

New Toothbrush Day!!!

Ahhhhh, nothing quite like a new toothbrush. I am a little OCD with my toothbrushes. The first of January, April, July, and October are my "New ToothBrush Day".

Of course being the toothbrush freak that I am, I don't replace just one brush, but I have two! And they can't be the same brush. I get two brushes that say they do different things. I use one in the morning and one in the night. This way I feel if one brush misses something, the other might clean that area better and vice versa.

Anyway, I do get excited about new toothbrush day. My mom always found it a little odd, but would often go along with it. She would get new brushes for the rest of the family too. Maybe I should call her and tell her it's "New ToothBrush Day".

You wouldn't even suspect that I'd want to think of a new brush today. My mouth is crazy sore and swollen. I have a huge cheek on the one side. Fa-reaky! I have been looking forward to this day for about a week now. So, just because my mouth is swollen and I'm taking Vicodin doesn't mean I can't celebrate the way I should.

Here's to cleaner teeth everyone!


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