Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Simply put, why can't people be honest? If you ask someone a question flat out, why can't they answer honestly? I value honesty. There are some things that I think you have to omit once in a while. There are some things about islamic marriage that my parents would never understand. So I tiptoe around some things. When it comes right down to it though, I am very honest.

If someone upsets me I will tell them. Maybe it might take me a little bit to calm down and think about it first, but I feel it's just better to put everything out there. Sometimes it might hurt a person's feelings at first, but in the long run they will be better for it. I, in turn, wish some people could be honest like that with me. Allah made everyone different though. Be thankful for our differences I guess. In my experience though a person who isn't honest usually just hurts someone else. It ends in misery, devastation, and disappointment. Is it any wonder that I don't trust most men? Women I know don't usually lie to me... except my sister and that's a whole different story. I can't believe anything that comes from her mouth! That's an entry or 3 all on it's own.

Men, and I don't mean all of them, have a more profound tendency to be dishonest. The thing about lying is that the truth will eventually come out. Even if it seems like such a small thing. Take Mr. First Love, for instance. This man and I have never really had an argument. I trusted him for everything. After 5 years of knowing him, I found out his real age. This may seem insignificant, but it's a lie. He let it slip that he is 4 years older than what he originally told me. Lies always come out, eventually it slips, and somebody remembers what the original statement was and figures things out. Eventually someone hurts from it.

Often I feel that I'm lied to. I wonder if I'm just that untrusting, or I meet compulsive liars... Hmmm.... Only Allah knows.


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