Miss A's Blog

Just a muslim woman trying to make some sense out of this world. This is my creative outlet, and my place to let out frustration, and emotion.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

An All Around Nice Day

We went to the Como Zoo today. I know you're thinking it's a little cold for the zoo, right? It wasn't too bad. There are enough indoor places to warm up in between. The polar bears were pretty active. We watched them for quite a while; entertaining. It was a nice walk in the conservatory too. We went with another couple, so it was pretty fun. Then we went out for dinner. It wasn't the most exciting day, but just really nice and well spent.

A Small Review

I've wanted to go to the Pompeii exhibit at the science museum for months now. So I talked the husband into going the other day. I wanted to catch the exhibit before it was over in a week. It was cool, but less than my expectations. I've been to other exhibitions at the museum and they were fantastic. We still had a good time though.

I did however get super excited when I went to the library yesterday. I've heard about this on TV, but didn't really pay too much attention to it. It's called the Museum Adventure Pass. There are about 20 different museums/educational type places to choose to go to. You use your library card to "check out" a pass to one of the places. You can do one per week. Not a bad deal. If you live in Minnesota you should check it out. You can find out more about it at www.melsa.org . There are some good ones for kids too. It lasts until next September. We plan on going to the Twin City Model Railroad Museum next. We're totally cheesy, but it's fun!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

This Is How It's Done

Okay, so I didn't intend for it to happen like it did. I had every intention of cooking the dinner myself, but.... well I learned something AND I didn't have to cook.

It started when I decided to make fattah for my husband. I know he wanted it, (we were invited to someone's house for it, but couldn't go) so I tried to look up some recipes online. I thought, "Hey, I can make that. It doesn't look that hard." Then I questioned some of the ingredients in the soup part of the recipe. So, I asked him if all that went in the soup. He shook his head and asked, "Why?". I explained that I was going to try making it. That's when he got "the look". You know the one, right? The one that says, "If she makes that it's not going to be right". That's when I barely heard him say, "I know how to make it". Huh?

So we went to the grocery store later and got the rest of the ingredients, and other groceries. We got home and he started cooking. I unpacked the groceries and started making a salad, therefore missing many important steps in fattah making. So, when he asked if I knew how to make it now... I said I missed half of it, and he'll have to show me again.

That's how you get your husband to cook.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Little Scare

It's weird how these things happen sometimes...

The other day my husband slid on the icy road and the car spun around. He called me to come help him, and he sounded okay, just a little shaken up. Two seconds later the phone rang again. This time my sister, hysterically freaking out on the phone. Freaking out about how she knew it was him and couldn't get over to that lane to help him. She just happened to be driving by and saw the whole thing. I didn't panic until she called. He said he was okay, but still.... How in the world was I supposed to drive slow when I just wanted to get there and make sure he's okay with my own 2 eyes?

Alhamdulilah, everybody is all right. It was just a little scare, just a little one.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Little Vacay

Alhamdulilah, I have the next 11 days at home from work. I don't have to be back until January 2nd. I have some cleaning projects in mind. I accomplished quite a few of them this fall, but have realized there are more to do. I need to step up on my exercising. I've lost a bit of weight and my doctor was pretty pleased with me when I went in last week, but I know I need to exercise more. I can do better. I have to get as happy and healthy as possible if starting a family is in the future.

11 straight days away from work.... aaaaaaaahhhhhh. It's so nice.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Eid Mubarak!!!

Just wanted to write a little note to say Eid Mubarak to everyone. I hope everyone had a happy and blessed Eid day. I also pray that Allah accepts everyone's fasts from the days before.

Take care and Allah bless.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I am always annoyed at the behavior of many parents I observe in public. I've seen a parents at restaurants with a child, and all the parent does is talk on their cell phone the entire time. Nice quality time, eh?. Then there are the parents that completely ignore their children. Then you wonder why they scream in the store. Hello! They need a little attention, after all, you brought them with you.

I know I'm not a parent, and I'm pretty skeptical of others... Don't get me wrong, I see plenty of decent parents too. I'm just talking in general. It just touched me yesterday when I saw a father and about 10 year-old son walking into the store. They were having a nice conversation. An elderly gentleman was having trouble with what appeared to be a new car with the car alarm going off. The father stopped over to help him turn it off. He showed his son how to be kind and helpful to people. Later I came across them again in the store, still having a conversation.

I was impressed. Kudos to that dad!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Squirrels Gone Wild

Some of my best ideas are not always the best. Take for instance the other evening, my dad brought me an ice cream cake from DQ. It was too huge to store the other half in the freezer. Miss A decides its a good idea to stick it out on the balcony. How wrong I was.

When I got home from work yesterday my husband tells me his heroic tale of cake saving... kind of. He heard a rustling out on the balcony. That's when he looked out and saw a gang of squirrels chewing through the top of the plastic container. The picture isn't the best, but you can see the hole they chewed. Unfortunately they didn't get to the treat.

I will tell you upon further inspection, there is squirrel fur on that cake and there is no way I'm touching it. Plus I think the husband is getting a squirrel paranoia like I have, he said they were staring at him and it was creepy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No Other Word To Say


I am another year older. Another year has passed and so many things have happened.


Another year of my life is starting and there is so much to look forward to.


I had a super nice day at work. The ladies took me to Marina for lunch. I had a super nice afternoon when I came home. I had flowers here and I didn't have to cook tonight. My husband took me out for dinner. I feel really blessed by Allah for all that I have.


Monday, December 10, 2007


I have been neglecting this blog... sigh. I have been neglecting my email, the computer in general has not been used much by me. We've been pretty busy, running around here and there. We have been busy just spending time together, it's nice. I cook dinner, we eat together, and he washes the dishes. It's pretty mundane, but alhamdulilah, it's great.

InshaAllah the fasting of the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijja starts tomorrow. The Hajj. Don't forget to fast the 9th day, the Day of Arafa. The reward for the acceptance of fasting on that day is your sins forgiven from the previous year and the year to come. Very expensive. May Allah accept our fasts on that day.

Hopefully I will get to this blog a little more often. Sorry peeps.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Every Now And Again There Is Happiness

It's amazing to me that for so long I kept dreaming and hoping for something that would never happen. I wanted it so badly that I never stopped to realize that maybe there was something better if I just gave up.


I have been married for a week and a half now. It has been the best week and a half. Don't get me wrong, we are adjusting to each other, it's not 24/7 happiness.

I never imagined that I would be this happy as a wife. It seemed impossible. He's an amazing man and so far a wonderful husband. His personality is perfect for me. Alhamdulilah. I am so lucky that Allah blessed me. I pray that Allah keeps us happy and strengthens our bonds, building love and mercy between us.

Being married has left very little time for blogging. I'd apologize, but I'm not really sorry...